Do you do the 'Twitter hours'? [ap_column_wrap] [ap_column span="3"] Networking is a critical part of modern business promotion and Twitter provides an excellent means of networking in geographically specific areas. Twitter hours are one hour of local networking at the same time every week and all it takes is including the hash-tag of the group in your tweet. For example, in our local a...
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Small Business Saturday
For today only... [ap_column_wrap] [ap_column span="3"]Small businesses make-up the life-blood of the UK economy and part of British culture. Many small businesses; however, have not seen the benefit of professional sales training and how something as simple as understanding how buyers buy can increase their sales dramatically. [/ap_column] [ap_column span="3"] [/ap_column] [/ap_colum...
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Black Friday? How about Rainbow Monday…
Be 'better' than 'Black Friday'. [ap_column_wrap] [ap_column span="3"] Here at Venture Training we do not go in for slash discounting on a particular Friday. Here's our alternative to 'Black Friday': Excellent value, real world training for your business EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! One sale gained through our sales training will give an instant return on your very modest investment. ...
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Do you actually want buyers?
For those of us in business the answer to the question 'Do you actually want buyers?' would generally be a 'yes!' [ap_column_wrap] [ap_column span="3"]There is a distinct difference, though, between someone buying from you and you selling to someone. Let's say they arrive at your flower shop choose an arrangement and buy it. Great! However, think about it a little deeper. If someone had inter...
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I don’t want to be a salesman!
I don't want to be a salesman! [ap_column_wrap] [ap_column span="4"]This is something often heard from small business owners, perhaps the self-employed tradesman or the specialist engineering company and is completely understandable. BUT, the reality is that if you are exchanging a product or service for a fee you are selling. Maybe not in the professional salesperson sense but you are looking t...
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My competitor? Oh, they’re good!
We've all been in the position of pitching our business when someone says "what about XYZ-Systems?" (our competitor). How do you respond? How should you respond? Clearly we do not want to sell for the competition and many of us learn that 'attack is the best form of defence'. Well, maybe against a wild animal but not in a sales situation! My suggestion to you is simple: Praise your compet...
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You do have competitors
Even the most unique product or service has competition and the business that recognises this has the advantage. [ap_column_wrap] [ap_column span="3"] Let's say that your business sells computers. Your customer needs a new computer and you have the perfect machine at the perfect price. Your store is across the street from their offices and they have bought from you many times before. Where ...
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One day sales training workshop
December 3rd, 2014: One day sales training workshop in Middleton-on-Sea, West Sussex, PO22 7RH. Most small businesses are started and run by people highly skilled in a particular area with a passion to match; however, business demands much more and selling is one area where some training will make a significant difference. Sales people are trained, not born and this workshop is ideal for thos...
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